Senin, 12 September 2011

Lost In The Light ...

When dawn began to open the door in the morning,
replace the beauty of bleakness

I dream of a return path from the twigs had lost hope

each leg to create a step,
always leave a trail wound past the pain

I looked back the light you are increasingly stepping
glare blocking the view

dust whipped up the pace,
rushed to pick up as if to share afternoon and disappeared into biases violet

leave me alone stopped looking for the missing shadow figure in the light

bright orange shift, led me to meet that promise the moon to come

Ahh ... ....
fatigue suddenly spread through my veins Valentine-end

... star.
will you come, to cheer myself flicker increasingly poor

love ... ..
why do you always ask me to answer every restless and upset you

if not rare you leave and you leave me alone in tears

at the edge of darkness ....
I softly hum songs miss

longing for happiness and peace

bathinku fatigue makes my mind wander

if indeed there was no love me anymore ...

why no decision lafadz nevertheless catapult you ...

so I'm not getting hopes,
expect staring at the sky with beautiful full moon dicelah ....

night ....
Your silence is now my friend ...
dark is also my best friend ...

right square in the quiet song of eternity,
enjoy for me ahead of my dreams ....

Description: <span itemprop="description">Wisata, Vacation, Pengalaman, Petualangan, Bermain dan Berekreasi, Liburan, Liburan di Indonesia, Cagar Alam, Tour, Sekolah, Bahasa inggris, Translete, psiologi, anak-anak, remaja, pengetahuan, tips-tips, trik blog, tips wordpress, Puisi, Poems, tugas-tugas, bermain, pusi indah, cerita lucu, ichsanprivate, ichsan</span>
Rating: <span itemprop='rating'>4.7</span>


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